About Us
NPS Area 20 covering Kent, Surrey and Sussex, was founded in 1979 by eight enthusiastic pony breeders; Mrs Olive Webster (Varndell), Mrs Sybil College (Oakley), Mrs Virginia Sainty (Botingelle), Mrs Janet Meyer (Keston), Mrs Julie Rucklidge (Jackets), Mrs Julie Bassett (Velmead), Mrs Cecile Williams (Cocum) and Lady Gilbey (Culross). They held various fund raising activities and organised a summer show each year.
The Spring Show has RIHS, NPS and PUK qualifiers for M & M's plus NPS qualifiers for plaited ponies. The summer show has a wide range of classes for M & M's, which include qualifiers for HOYS, Show & Hunter Ponies, Hacks/Riding Horses, Sports Horses/Ponies, CHAPS, Cherif and National Welsh qualifiers.

Our AGM is held in November where members are treated to a free supper and the Points Competition and Martyn Davey Memorial Trophy are awarded. At the AGM in 1994 Mr Martyn Davey suggested that we should try to encourage the youngsters in our Area and offered to present a trophy to a young person who it was felt had progressed well during the year. The trophy was first presented in 1995 and sadly, the following February, Martyn suddenly passed away; but his wife Marlene (Ninfield Stud) very much wanted the trophy to continue to be presented in his memory, so every year Marlene presents the trophy to a well deserved recipient. Area members are invited to submit names of young people who they consider to be eligible for the trophy.
We sponsor a section of classes at the NPS Summer Show, Malvern.